We at Hinkell Development Limited can provide a low volume manufacturing and prototyping service.
Prototypes are an essential stage in developing an idea so that it is ready for presentation to industry or manufacture. We at Hinkell have been involved with many prototyping projects. Some we have just manufactured for our customer and some we have designed and manufactured ourselves and we have also been involved with joint projects. We manufacture in several materials Aluminium, Steel, Stainless Steel, Titanium, Cobalt Chrome, Nylon, Polyethylene, Acetal to name but a few. We can work from CAD models, technical drawings or just simple notebook sketches. When possible we try to have a quick turn around so that you can have your prototypes ready for testing or to evaluate the design. We have been in situations where we have had to design and manufacture a prototype within one day due to one of our customers being let down at the last minute by another supplier. Please take a look at a small sample of some of our work below.
Prototypes are an essential stage in developing an idea so that it is ready for presentation to industry or manufacture. We at Hinkell have been involved with many prototyping projects. Some we have just manufactured for our customer and some we have designed and manufactured ourselves and we have also been involved with joint projects. We manufacture in several materials Aluminium, Steel, Stainless Steel, Titanium, Cobalt Chrome, Nylon, Polyethylene, Acetal to name but a few. We can work from CAD models, technical drawings or just simple notebook sketches. When possible we try to have a quick turn around so that you can have your prototypes ready for testing or to evaluate the design. We have been in situations where we have had to design and manufacture a prototype within one day due to one of our customers being let down at the last minute by another supplier. Please take a look at a small sample of some of our work below.